Home Tour (Gisele and Tom)

Notice how I used Gisele and Tom in the title? Like they are friends of mine or something?

I guess when you’re VERY rich and VERY famous, you sort of have that problem….

Crowds gather and people yell, “Gisele! Gisele” and “Tom!! Tom!!”

I’m sure you rarely hear “Mr. Brady!! Mrs. Brady….or Mr. Bundchen!! “

Do you think they become immune to hearing their name after awhile?

Can you see them both yelling “Gisele!” and “Tom!” to each other and never getting an answer?

Of course, in a place like this I imagine they all just talk via cell phone…..

A special treat today…..a mini home tour at Gisele and Tom’s new place….14,000 sq ft.

That may or may not include any outbuildings, like servant quarters or guest cottages, or a poolhouse…

But don’t worry about the excess…..they made sure it was all very eco-friendly….. and cozy…Gisele likes cozy….she said so, in the magazine.

The writer of the article was amazed at how “normal” they were? I need to look that up.

Cute..huh? Just my style….French McMaison…


Architectural Digest

Apparently she likes to pick vegetables too…..I’m not sure if she plants vegetables, or weeds around the vegetables……but she likes to carry them in a basket anyway.


Architectural Digest

They have a big family Tom says….eight sisters between them, so they need lots of room at home to spread out.

And then there are the cooks, gardeners, publicity agents, sports agents, nannies, …..well, you get the picture.

How about THIS picture? I could do some mean cooking in there!!!

Hamburger Helper for EVERYONE!!


Architectural Digest

There is a saying “the rich are different”…..and it’s true…

It’s not just because they have money, it’s because they THINK totally differently than we do.

They think about important eco-friendly things…things we can’t understand, or grasp. While we waste time making things ourselves or trying other ways to save money, they are saving rainwater, to use in the vegetable garden. Money is not an endangered product! If we need more, we just make more. Super-duper people understand this and spend money freely in an effort to be more eco-friendly than the other super-duper people they meet at the film festivals and award ceremonies.

Is there a Prius jet yet? I don’t always stay on top of things like that but surely there must be.

I can’t imagine them using a jet…all that fossil fuel.

When you’re a super-duper-model, it’s important to save calories with this walk-thru shower. In one side…out the other…

You can’t be too skinny or they’ll have to resort to retouching and stuff.


Architectural Digest

Oh, apparently I forgot another person in the home….someone has to build that fire and then clean it out…..that would be the downstairs maid…right?

It’s been awhile since Downton Abbey, but I try and keep all these various folks on the right floors.

I think there are some pretty impressive antique beams, imported stone and other great stuff in here.

Eco-friendly people are all about re-purposing.

Thank goodness for all those eco-friendly cargo and container ships that run back and forth between here and Europe.

I think this would be a lovely place to be served coffee or wine….or maybe a super-healthy veggie-fruit-wheat-berry drink…

….you can’t be too careful about all that bad food out there.

It’s important for the super-duper people to not have to eat that stuff….and to lobby to stop other people from eating it too!!

It’s not really the issue if we happen to live in a city where there is no local farm stand or if we don’t earn enough to buy the fresh produce.

What matters is that the super-duper people who REALLY understand these things are looking out for our well-being!

And if they can get to a rally to shut down all these BAD places they go!!… (if their schedule permits and the Limo driver can find it)….

We can use dedication like that in this country, I tell you!

Like I said…they are all really nice people.


Architectural Digest

I don’t usually buy Architectural Digest. It’s a bit pricey and I like to save my money for vegetable seeds…..but I think I may spring for this one.

Who knows? I may decide to build an eco-friendly house one day. This could come in handy.


Architectural Digest

Any day now they’ll be building a Prius jet.

A Prius container ship.

A Prius backhoe.

And a Prius foreign worker bus.

I need to be ready for my second home.

Thank goodness there is no danger (whatsoever) of me becoming a super-duper model. I won’t need this….


Architectural Digest

I’m not sure, but knowing Gisele’s dedication to an eco-friendly lifestyle, she probably donates all these clothes to the super models…

….who used to be super-duper models…back in the day. It’s important to always help the poor.

She’s nice like that.

For now, I guess I’ll stay put….but if I’m lucky I could get hired by this family!

A girl can dream…..


  1. Hahaha! Great post! Now, how can I save calories in my shower?

  2. Funny! I love that shower! Even if it means going on a diet!!

  3. The house is lovely….I still don’t know who Giselle and Tom are…obviously she’s a supermodel, but I don’t know of her…guess I’m not up on that stuff.
    Danni@SiloHillFarm recently posted…THE MOST AWESOME WEEK OF GIVEAWAYS…..EVAH!!My Profile

  4. You are a hoot as always. Yes, they are a beautiful couple & I like what you said about her just carrying a basket. As if she picks her own veggies! When you look like they do, I guess a clear see through shower is a plus. Oh dear, wonder if they squeegie the glass off after they shower!

  5. Linda Tyler says:

    HaHa! Very droll – spot on!! =)

  6. This is HILARIOUS! Now, I must dash…it’s time to go to the organic farmer’s market…I hope Jeeves has brought ’round the Bentley.
    kirby carespodi recently posted…Fall Mantel (Another episode of ‘I can do that!’)My Profile

  7. Is there a drawbridge in front by that moat?
    Biss recently posted…Old Photo Window ValanceMy Profile

  8. Beautiful home for two beautiful people.
    Tina recently posted…Come on over!My Profile

  9. Lorraine this is exquisite! Perfectly funny in every way. That is one damn fine home though.
    karen@somewhatquirky recently posted…Where Did August Go?My Profile

  10. This should be in the NY Times! Excellent satirical piece! I love the hypocritical behavior of the wealthy liberal lot!

  11. You are too funny Lorraine – what a great post – and that house is too magnifique for words!!!
    Love that Giselle likes to carry baskets LMHO

  12. You. Kill. Me. And I think my Dodge Ram can take their Prius jet.

    Bring. It. On.

    Andi recently posted…#^%#@*$ wood doors!! {delusional rant #2}My Profile

  13. What an incredible home. It’s gorgeous, just like the super duper people that inhabit it. I would be happy just to vacation there.
    Little Miss Maggie recently posted…Ladder Style ShelfMy Profile

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