Velvet Pumpkin (or how I finally got on the bandwagon)

I’m not sure if you noticed but making pumpkins out of every material imaginable is all over the place. I saw gorgeous velvet pumpkins last year on several sites and thought I needed to make some this year.

Well (apparently) velvet pumpkins weren’t enough. This year I have seen pumpkins made of:


-old shirts

-burlap strips

-muslin strips


-mason jar lids





– (insert material)

Needless to say, I knew making a velvet pumpkin was not going to draw any interest! But, I still wanted one.

So I made one last week. This is NOT a tutorial…seriously, google “velvet pumpkin” and you’ll be just fine.

I’m just showing you the one I made, that’s all.


See it? Right there? On the ironstone platter? Quite impressive isn’t it?


I saved a few pumpkin stems so I could use a real one. In my opinion…the ONLY way to go.


They’re easy to make. I used some stretch panne velvet I already had. Cut a big circle, gather it up, stuff it, close the hole up and then I wrapped it with embroidery floss to squeeze some sections.


Glue on the stem and then add some torn leaves made from those natural coffee filters.

It turned out so cute that I just KNEW I would want to make more….

which is why I went out and bought this in the first place…..


You can’t say I’m not ambitious…….If I start now, by next year I’m sure there’s enough bean bag pellets to make a thousand or so.

It took me so long to get on the bandwagon that it’s pointless to start now.

I’ll just enjoy my one, practically perfect velvet pumpkin…….



  1. Too funny! Last year I bought a huge bag of beans with the same purpose in mind, but I was never able to find velvet, so it’s still waiting……somewhere. Your pumpkin is quite lovely, but it looks a bit lonely. It needs a few friends. 🙂
    Vickie recently posted…Painting the town….green?My Profile

  2. I’m behinder than you. I’ve never made a pumpkin, and I didn’t even know people were making pumpkins. That’s an enormous bag of beans. Please tell me you didn’t soak them overnight first…

    Andi recently posted…andi’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad ideaMy Profile

  3. Sheila Moore says:

    Love your velvet pumpkin. You could go ahead and make a few more as you can still use them through November for Thanksgiving…just saying.

  4. Well done – that one is totally clever and adorable, L!!

    Michele/Finch Rest recently posted…Halloween Pumpkin Carving PartyMy Profile

  5. Very very cute and I’m totally impressed!! You’re got it more together than I do! I’ve been wanting to make these also but ended up just buying them!! Talk about being lazy! Maybe next year!! LOL!!~~Angela
    Angela recently posted…Rice Krispie Wedding CakeMy Profile

  6. I love it! I never jumped on the velvet pumpkin bandwagon, but I do like them. Have you decided if you’re going to do another show?
    kirby carespodi recently posted…Pumpkin Rerun! Easy-peasy, fun and sleazy!!My Profile

  7. Oh your velvet pumpkin is just darling. Love the leaves using the coffee filters in the light brown shade. I wanted to make a few this year too but never found the time with others I was painting. There’s always next year. Can I borrow some pellets??? LOL
    Celestina Marie recently posted…Changeable Serving TrayMy Profile

  8. That is one pretty pumpkin! I’m going to try to make some pumpkins for a Thanksgiving decoration…can I link to yours when I do?
    Danni@SiloHillFarm recently posted…HOW TO FREEZE PUMPKINMy Profile

  9. I made a few, then a few more, then I Just had to use up all the beans and rice available. I bought the fabric from Jo Annes and made about 7 different colors. One note: whatever you think the size will be, it seems to end up smaller than I planned. I made one big one in white this year, added a real stem, of course, put a lace collar on it and a rhinestone brooch. Fabulous. They are soooo addictive. Enjoy

  10. Very nice. I have saved about 20 pumpkin stems and do you think for one minute I have made a velvet pumpkin? No, not a one. It’s on my list though. If I start now, I can be ready for next year. Your pumpkin is so cute and I love that it’s white.
    Little Miss Maggie recently posted…Ottoman Makeover in BurlapMy Profile

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