New Book From Miss Mustard Seed

I hope you have a seat belt on your chair!

It’s been awhile….hasn’t it?

I’ve missed you…..hopefully you missed me just a little too!

I will explain shortly, but first, the purpose of this particular post… this particular time.

Miss Mustard Seed has a new Look Book!! Isn’t she just the cutest thing? 

MMS Look Book














If you love her style (like I do) then this book will get you fired up to “Move Mountains In Your Home”…just like Marian does!

This book is not in bookstores unfortunately. You will have to buy it from a Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint retailer…..cough, cough….LIKE ME!!!

I have it in my shop for pre-order….$15 free shipping. So, click either on the link in the header or in the sidebar to shop! I have a limited quantity so hop to it if you’re interested! Shipping should take place late Aug/early Sept. I can order more books but you’ll have to wait then…..great Christmas gift for someone you know (or yourself).

OK……I said I’d explain my absence………..while I’ve been gone I have:

Gone on an extended world tour  …. I have been to Wal-Mart, Goodwill, and Michaels a lot

Saved lives on a medical trip to Africa …. I HAVE saved lives…..I have NOT killed anyone in this house (yet)

Been busy writing the screenplay about my life …. I WILL do that….once I GET a life

Been transforming myself into a lean, mean fighting machine (like Linda Hamilton in Terminator) ….I can’t believe I even WROTE that! Hahahaha….I have to sit down

Used my extensive decor and design expertise to transform my house …. Thank goodness my husband has never figured out how to leave a comment….

I have no excuse…..none……

It’s like exercising. Good intentions and while I am at it, I’m fine. But, stop for a couple weeks and …..well….you know….

Some of what I actually did:

Opened a second booth in the antique mall I am in (Barrett Street Antique Mall on Dean Drive in Virginia Beach Va….in case you are local)

Redecorated a downstairs bedroom which included painting and finishing an antique bed

Moved my studio from that same bedroom upstairs to the room over the garage

Started a side business making 100% linen French pinafores (Don’t tell me I’m crazy….I KNOW already)

Visited my daughter in SC for a few days

Babysat my grandsons for a weekend

Did a vintage show in Richmond Va

Hosted a family reunion in honor of my favorite sister’s visit to Va

Began volunteering at my church one day a week

Done a couple custom furniture jobs 

Developed a monthly newsletter for my business

Redecorated my original booth to become a booth dedicated to my paint lines and class teaching

Cleaned out the potting shed

Painted several pieces of furniture for the shop

Of course, I continued to settle sibling fights, cook dinner, garden, take people to appointments, and in general, try and maintain order in this place.

Do I get a pass??? I hope so!

I have diligently taken pictures of things I did, so I have lots of material to use……


See you soon!!







  1. Sheila Moore says:

    OMGoodness I have missed you. I have checked numerous times on your website and nothing new from you. You definitely get a pass….:-) I would love to pre-order a MMS lookbook but can’t find the link…help!

  2. So nice to hear from you!!!….Looks like you have been very busy!….will have to look you up the next time I am in Virginia Beach!….and yes, Marian is the cutest thing!
    Shirley@Housepitality Designs recently posted…The Lovely “Spring” and “Autumn”My Profile

  3. Sounds like you’ve been a busy little bee! Can’t wait to see all you’ve been up to!

    🙂 Linda
    Linda @ It All Started With Paint recently posted…Peanut Butter & Banana SmoothieMy Profile

    • Well I have surely missed everyone! Thanks so much! I even stopped reading many of my favorite blogs (like you) because when I did, I felt badly about not doing anything! Everyone is so inspiring out there that it puts pressure on an old gal like me! You’ll be happy to know that I regularly drank iced coffee put of my 1 1/2 pint Ball jars!!

  4. susan allen says:

    would loe to order one of your french pinafores please let me knnow how much and how to purchase hem thanks…susan

    • Thanks Susan! Wow! Sight unseen and everything? LOL I am trying to get an online shop up and running with some pics. As soon as I do, I will make an announcement! I have so far sold them at vintage shows primarily and need pics that do them justice.

      • susan allen says:

        well I know your style as I have followed your blog for awhile and also I own a shabby chic brick and mortar in my historcal downtown area and constantly need vintage style items so I may be interested in buying quanity if you can do that at any rate I am a big fan of Magnolia Pearl and your 100 percent linen pinafore sounds like something I would love so please call or let me know as soon as I can purchase one thanks and I eagerly await info to own one for myself susan allen…..256.390.2828

  5. We’re so glad you’re back! I’m gonna need a couple of books.
    kirby carespodi recently posted…What I found appealingMy Profile

    • Well thanks so much! I’d LOVE to sell you a couple of books! This one is right up there with the kind of thing an English teacher would LOVE…you know, War and Peace, Great Expectations, The World According to Garp, Mad Magazine…etc.LOL

  6. Wow! Sounds like you might have been less buys if you had taken that extended world tour! LOL! Glad to see you posting and looking forward to some new stuff!
    Danni@SiloHillFarm recently posted…The Blog Train Tour…..My Profile

  7. Hi Lorraine, it is great to see you and I loved your post. WOW you have been busy and accomplished a lot, so that does deserve a pass on blogging. Excited about Miss Mustard Seed’s new book. I have her first one and loved it. Looking forward to more of your missing in blogland adventures.

  8. So how many kids are left at home now? You are one ball of energy is all I can say! I want to hear some more about the Fusion Paint. I’m sure since you are going to be selling it that you have had opportunities to use it.
    karen@somewhatquirky recently posted…Wooden Tool CaddyMy Profile

    • Well…there are three left…17, 16 and 12. The two that are out are still around and we’ve had to give them a hand now and then but it is still MUCH calmer and quieter here! I find I am able to get much more work done!I am using the Fusion paint on a custom job I am doing now! Details soon!Thanks for coming by Karen!

  9. Great to have you back!!!!!

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