Adios and Au Revoir! (French-Western?)

I am here to share the latest BIG trend in Home Decor….French-Western style…….
Back in the day when Miss Kitty leaned over the bar  so Marshall Dillon could look at her ruffles
I was an almost tween who avidly watched my latest crushes…
even in black and white….
And sometimes…IN LIVING COLOR….
a big term back then….
These were the men…..
(not many “boys” back then who could create such a stir….)
whose pictures you kissed…yes, actually kissed, on magazine covers…
Especially this one……already a married guy with kids….
Go figure……
There was no recording then, so this night was NOT to be missed…….
Imagine….a show you could watch with the whole family…..
with perfectly safe commercials….
not a tampon or erectile dysfunction or Victoria’s Secret 
to be reckoned with…….
(as I taught you before here…if you want to be authentic…get the lingo down)
just good old cigarettes and booze……..
Western stuff was super hot….
glasses, dishes, clothing, toys, lunch boxes….you name it…..
apparently home decor was no exception….I have the evidence…….
swinging bar doors to take you into the Laundry Room……
Yup…you heard that right pardner……..
Now they’re a French pastry sign through the magic of sandpaper and paint……
sorry Little Joe and Rusty…..
belly up to the bar and git yerself a cafe au lait and a croissant…
afore they run out cause the wagon train don’t come til next week…..
and dontcha be a-lookin’ at Miss Kitty’s ruffles neither….
Adios Amigos….
Au revoir too….Thanks to The Graphics Fairy for the image!
Image enlarged, transferred with graphite paper and then hand painted.
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  1. I was wondering where you were headed with the westerns. You did a great job repurposing them. Everyone seems to come across and the wonderfully repurpose the most amazing things. I never come across fun things. I guess I need to get out there and look.

    Have a great week!

  2. I love your swinging doors done up in a French Style … Very Nice! This was a fun read. “:o)

  3. You scared me. Thought you did the laundry doors! LOL Love the redo!!

  4. this is great, my first belly laugh of the week!!! cigarettes and booze, gosh, you’re cracking me up!

  5. Lorraine- THOSE DOORS look GREAT!!!! Wow- what a make over. I do remember all those things…but are you SURE that Matt Dillon was looking at Miss Kitty’s RUFFLES?…just asking….xo Diana

  6. You are too funny!! Do you remember the Bonanza show where Hoss played a leprechaun?? It makes me laugh just to think of it!!
    Have a good week!
    PS: I did manage to read alllllll the way back to the beginning last week :^)
    You are GOOD!!

  7. You took me down memory lane! I saw the Gunsmoke actors when I was 16 and at the American Royal in Kansas City. I won a trip through 4-H and got to spend several days there. So many memoires….thank you.

  8. Well I tell ‘ya, Gunsmoke was on the other day and I watched it with my grandson. But it must of been one of the last episodes in black and white because Miss Kitty had put on a little weight and looked a little older. She was a might-purdy thang when young.


  9. Oh that’s great! I love it!

  10. Hey! I still watch bonaza…lol Love those oldies. What a great repurpose..who would have thought those old saloon doors would end up so beautiful.. Your post made me smile…thanks.. Blessings!

  11. I love a good old western, or at least the leading men (and furniture) but I don’t really want to live in that time period (no dishwasher, washing machine or microwave, ugh)! This turned into a french beauty I would LOVE to live with!!

  12. Oh, I remember watching those western shows when I was little! Your “saloon” doors remind me of those shows for sure. I love how you gave them a little french style with the graphics you added though.

  13. I was thinkin’ I could a used some laundry doors to cover up the laundry room mess, but love the frenchies better. you did a great job and I’m sure little Joe and Rusty forgive you.

  14. Just got a big laugh out of this! Love this transformation – stunning! x

  15. I loved it back in the day when the gun toting guys were the good guys. I have to admit, I kissed a few magazine covers and record albums in my day. I’m in heaven over your saloon doors. I’d kiss them too, if i was close enough. Heck, a computer screen will do! {SMACK!}

  16. This post brought back so many fun memories. I can remember galloping around the house when the Bonanza theme song came on! Was quite taken by Little Joe, he was my fave. My dad was really into Westerns, and built a bar downstairs complete with a wagon wheel decoration and western themed wall paper mural! He even had little cowboy figures riding horses (bet those would be worth some $$ now). Thanks for the memories! What a transformation on that door. It’s great. Check out my blog if you get a chance, I’m a cardmaker.

  17. I had forgotten that we had swinging doors between our kitchen and dining room shaped exactly like these! What the heck?
    I LOVE what you did.

  18. How clever you are! I didn’t have any magazines to kiss, so I kissed the television screen! I loved Little Joe, too. Those were the days.

  19. Great memories! Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I love the sign.


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