Countdown to the Porch Sale

The title says it all….I am working hard here finishing furniture and creating other goodies for the Fall Porch Sale. I felt the need for Christmasy things so I am making a few paper cone wreaths with both French Christmas and English Christmas music. They are not hard to do and you should make one (or buy it from me!) Keep reading for a tutorial…

I found some sheet music and using my home copier, made a two sided copy. Then, since mine is an inkjet which could run if damp, I make laser copies in color. Often you need to darken the sheet music (I scan it into the computer and then darken it) because when it is copied the color seems to lighten up a bit. Or you can do it manually on the copier you are using when you go to the print shop.
The size of the wreath will vary depending on the size of your paper so it doesn’t matter what size you use. I trim any white edges off since I want just music showing. Then roll a cone and glue it . I use Aleene’s Fast Grab Tacky Glue. It will take a bit of practice to roll and hold and glue yourself, but you just need to practice a bit. Pay attention to where the title of your music falls and re-roll if you don’t like it. For the size wreath I am making, I will need about 20 cones….maybe more. It’s not done yet because I didn’t have enough copies and need to make a few more. But I wanted to show you a pic anyway…

For my base, I use the cardboard cake circles you can buy at the craft store in the cake decorating section. I have glass on my front door and nothing annoys me more than seeing the ugly back of whatever is hanging there. So, I always finish the back…you don’t have to. You can see that there is a pretty sscalloped edge all around, which I like. I glue the cones on the unfinished side and use the white side for the back. I worry that the white side (with a slight waxy coating so cakes don’t stick) will not hold the glue as well and I don’t want cones falling off. On the back, I just tear up music sheets and do a collage effect so that is something I don’t worry about as much.

Lay all your cones out in a circle. It’s important to understand that all the points can’t touch…remember your geometry! So, you will have a blank area in the middle (we’ll cover that up later). Make some pencil marks where the points of the cones are…just a couple, because you’ll use something to draw a nice even circle but you need some reference marks. Then draw a circle for your guideline…

Can you see the circle? It’s a bit faint….
Now, lay your beginning cones out at four points…this is important because you will not keep them straight if you start at one point and just keep adding cones around the circle…..when you hold it up, you’ll see the cones sort of leaning in one direction. I think you could do that on purpose and get a neat effect but you still need to be a bit organized about it.
I use hot glue to attach the cones. Attach the first four and then fill in. Add a hanging ribbon behind one of the cones…..remember that the ribbon needs to be long enough to extend beyond the cardboard circle with enough length to hang on a hook easily and not damage the cones in the process. So use something that compliments the wreath. I use satin ribbon or seam binding.
That’s all I can show you today until I get more cones made! Tomorrow, we’ll finish it and make the center medallion…….For the rest of the tutorial look HERE
To finish up today….
I wanted to show you the pretty needlepoint my mother-in-law made for me…..
I used to be able to do some of these things….but not so much anymore. My mother-in-law loves to do needlework and I asked her if she would complete some of my needlepoint kits I had collected and she said a big “yes”. So, this French rooster is the most recent one…isn’t it pretty?
I have this old ugly green (but VERY comfortable) chair in my studio. I have had it covered with a store bought cream slipcover and had left the cushions free with plans to cover the them….
Not very pretty……
But, on a recent thrifting jaunt, I found a Shabby Chic fabric shower curtain for $3.99!!! ……and put it over the cushions…..

Much better….at least it will suffice until I can actually cover it. I can collapse here when I need a break from Porch Sale preparations!

Remember to check the FB page for the latest items going into the Fall Porch Sale….

Off to the garage……..


  1. Everything is looking great! I can’t wait for this weekend!

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