Bird Clipboard

It feels nice to get back to some projects….
not sure I’d EVER say that!
I hope you have enjoyed the posts from Paris and the few after I returned.
It was such a lovely trip and I will remember it always. I hope I can return one day!
I will be sharing more on French Friday (yes, I think I’ll keep that going awhile)
 including some of the recipes we used in the cooking class.

But, right now, I have a graduation looming which means some company,
 which means sprucing up the house!
So, you’re going to see a bit of that this week (I hope).
Before I could get started on some of those projects I had to take some things up to the shop.
That was just a couple days after returning and my head was still pretty fuzzy
 and I was pretty tired.
But, I had a couple ideas in the back of my head for creations 
and once I dug into my stash of stuff in the garage and the attic I had enough to take.

Here is the bird on a clipboard I made….
I had three clipboards I had found at the thrift. The clip was starting to rust a bit, 
which was perfect!
I also had this fantastic book from the thrift…..Birds of Britian

The cover is great with a beautiful wing design all over.
You know I love books and I find it VERY hard to destroy them.
First, I looked the book up to be sure it wasn’t valuable.
It’s from 1907 and all the copies I could find were only valued at about $10.
So, I felt better about that and decided to use the illustrations in projects.

I chose to use the Song Thrush and the Missel Thrush because I wanted a pair.
I used gesso on the clipboard along with some brown stain to age it a bit more.
Then, using the pages with the description of the bird I was using, I covered the clip.
Some more gesso and stain to age it and seal it.
Then, I found a pad of paper I had purchased which was vintage looking.
I’ve had it awhile because it was too large to run through the copier 
and I hadn’t really decided how to use it.
This was perfect. It fit nicely on the clipboard.
I love the vintage printing in the corner and the red lines.
 I tore the print from the book and tore the edges.
I glued it to the paper, put it under the clip and then attached it to the clipboard with spray glue, 
once I had it where I wanted it.
I still had a bit of the descriptive page left so I added that on the back.

A bit more work to eliminate shiny spots and adding more vintage effects and it was done!
I made a pair of them.

I hope they sell!

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  1. Awesome idea(s)!!!!!

  2. I had library as a class in high school. Well they forced me to have it instead of an elective, but it must be the librarian in me that cringes when I read “tore the pages”.


  3. I love the clipboard! It’s a piece of art!!!

  4. Wonderful! I’ve just found your lovely blog, and I’m a new follower ~ So nice to meet you!

  5. This looks MARVELOUS!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! thanks for sharing! : ) sending you and yours big hugs!

  6. What a beautiful clipboard! These would make great gifts. Thanks so much for sharing at Show & Tell.

    Sharon @ mrs. hines class

  7. looks so sweet!!

    barbara jean

  8. That turned out so pretty! Thanks so much for sharing it at Knick of Time Tuesday.


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