Easy Coaster Project

Happy 4th of July!

I’m off to see my grandkids in the annual neighborhood parade 
but first I’ll show you a 
SUPER easy outdoor coaster project.
Find a plastic lid…I only have two 
because I haven’t used enough ModPodge yet….
These are about 4″ I think.
spray paint the outside
and the rim of the inside
Take glue…I used this glue because it’s like a super glue and sticks quickly
Now…see how the lid is NOT painted but has glue in there?
Don’t do that.
I was with family all day at my daughter’s house 
and last night finally got to this project so I was tired and not thinking.
Paint first.
Take some rope or really heavy twine 
or any other absorbent material you can curl inside the lid.
And do just that…start from the outside in and when you get to the middle 
cut off where you think will be enough 
and use something to jam it right in the middle to fill it up completely.

Plastic so no weeping on tables and super absorbent so no glasses stuck to coasters!

Cute, easy project.…I just need to use up more ModPodge.

OMG!! The party starts tomorrow!!


  1. Very cute idea!! Great craft for kids.
    Mary Alice

  2. Super cute!!! Happy 4th of July.

  3. What a cute fun idea! These would be perfect for my back porch!

    Happy Fourth to you!

  4. Best thing is that you repurposed what would normally be thrown out – well done, looks awesome – very summery!

  5. Bet Jiffy Peanut Butter lids – already red- would work well too?

  6. What a cute idea…next time my daughter comes to visit we’re making a set of these for sure! Happy 4th ~ Judy

  7. Fun way to recycle the lids! Great idea!

  8. Cute. Who drank the jelly?


  9. SO CUTE!!! I love this little project. I would never guess that they were simple little plastic lids.

  10. This is such a wonderful idea! And the coasters won’t break when they fall; great for around the pool!

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