Easy XO Hearts

Today is our wedding anniversary!
My husband is a great guy and works so hard for our family. 
Many long hours at the office and then works around the house too! 
We have never called a plumber, electrician, carpenter, etc because he has taught himself how to do almost anything!
We built this house together and the work he has done is just amazing!
Check out the house tour in the sidebar to see some of his handiwork.

He reads my blog so tell him what a great job he did!!

 Happy Anniversary Honey!

I have a super easy, cute little project for your weekend!

I had some red linen I was using to make some pillows for the shop(s) and used the leftover pieces to make these XO hearts!

I traced a heart using a cookie cutter…….
Then embroidered an X and used a button for the O…..

Stitch them together using a small zigzag stitch and stuff them with a small bit of fiberfill…..

They’d make a great little sachet for lavender too!


  1. Have fun celebrating together!! xo Kristin

  2. Happy Anniversary to the sweetest couple I know !!


  3. Hey Mr. Flibberti, great house skills and you’re looking mighty fine after 41 years of living with the Missus.


  4. Happy Anniversary! Thank you for great inspiration.

  5. I cannot find the words to explain to you how very envious I am! You are so lucky! And you have hydrangea bushes, too. I think you have everything a woman needs. 🙂
    Happy Anniversary!

  6. Happy Anniversary!!! My hubby is the same, has taught himself to do everything! Love the cute hearts:) XO< Pinky

  7. Really cute project! Love the XO idea.
    Congratulations on your anniversary. You have done a wonderful job on your house and how fortunate that you can do all that you do. We are not so lucky on this end- if I can’t do it myself we hire it out because my hubby is NOT handy…and he grew up in the building business.

    You’ve got yourself a keeper there! I hope you have many more anniversaries! xo Diana

  8. Happy Anniversary! Love these sweet hearts too!

  9. I love your little “hug and kiss” linen hearts! Happy Anniversary…just a little late! xo, Kimberly

  10. Congratulations ~ quite an accomplishment!! LOVE, love the little hearts. Are you selling them?


  11. Those are so cute. I love that deep red color. Happy anniversary. 41 years is a lifetime and you are so lucky to have such a nice handy guy around. Your husband sounds like a wonderful man.

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