
I read a blog on Friday morning that really struck me.
It wasn’t one of the 2,267 blogs I normally read……or at least follow…

I try and keep up…really….but it’s almost impossible what with everyone wanting to grab all the audience they can and posting diligently every single day! I dedicate one hour each morning to reading blogs, but it’s still not enough to go and see all the wonderful things out there!

Then I run into the trap I did this morning……
Someone mentions someone else so I pop over there “just for a minute” to see what they said…..
then THEY have a great blog and mention someone and I pop over THERE…and …well, you see the problem….

So I can’t tell you the name of the blog but it was a designer’s blog…high end (the ones I LOVE to look at)…with gorgeous pics…etc.

BUT, that day she was telling about her business start-up. 
She wanted to open a landscape design business and had no idea what she was doing. 
She had rented a shop and at her launch party a local businessman came up to speak to her….

She was anticipating a word of ‘good luck’ or ‘you’ll do very well’…
something like that.

Instead, he said,

 “you should get out of your lease as soon as possible before it’s too late. This is never going to work”…..

Can you imagine?

I’m sure there are some of us who have to deal with the nay sayers frequently. 

You’re crazy…there’s no market for this here.
You’re exhausting yourself…and for what?
If you want to work, get a real job.

Well, this blog gal ignored this man and went on to build a VERY successful design business!

It made me think of my friend Cindy, who owns Chartreuse, the shop I do work for sometimes.
She stepped out on a limb to open her little shop.
I’m sure there were MANY naysayers to her. She’s a single Mom who has done this through MANY, MANY hours alone in her back room…painting furniture, building things out of broken furniture, decorating the shop, dealing with the bills, the hurricane flooding, and many more obstacles.

So I went and bought her some white tulips….

And I went down and gave them to her…along with a big hug!

And she told me where to find an olive bucket…..Oh yes she did…..I’ll show you that later…..

Her vase was too small to fit all the tulips I bought…so I ended up with a few myself.
A nice bonus, because I would probably NOT buy them for myself…just for someone else.

A Happy sign of Spring….


  1. The world has too many nay sayers if you ask me.

  2. I’ve encountered the nay sayers many times. Love your vignette

  3. Lorraine- I hear you- I really need to set some time limits on myself- I find myself visiting and responding to everyone and then I don’t accomplish nearly as much as I could. I find there are more nay-sayers in the world than supportive people…that is why I always try to leave a kind thought for someone- there is enough negativity in the world already. What’s that old saying- If you can’t say something nice-don’t say anything? Of course, I love the 2nd version of that, too. If you don’t have anything nice to say about anyone come sit by me!;>) Have a great weekend- xo Diana

  4. It is so true! So many people want you to fail. It is hard to keep your strength and move forward but that is why we have blogs and so many people that route us on and quotes to read to stay motivated! My thing is stick with people that lift you up not bring you down! Avoid negativity at all costs! Negative breeds poison. I am so glad that girl didn’t listen. Now she can hold her head up and know she succeeded.

  5. I can not believe someone would say that to a person. I think it is just pure jealousy that makes people act like that. They are the glass is always half empty kind of people and I feel sorry for them. They go through life just looking for the negativity.
    So happy she has a successful business and a good friend like you that comes by with flowers and hugs.

  6. Wonderful blog Lorraine! I’ve heard that myself & sometimes it’s easy to well, sorta kinda start to believe that. Then I kick myself in the behind & keep going. I’m dying to know though, what happened to the rest of the story about the gal you mentioned that started the landscape design biz? Did it all work out for her & did she shove her success into that awful man’s face? As if I needed one more blog to look at or join but would love to know who she is. Thank you for this!

  7. Hi doll! Thanks for popping in to see what has been happening at Muse Cottage! Considering how many blogs you read or try to, I am flattered! Great post here, inspiring.. pretty too. I just love tulips! So my act of bravery today, and everyone was pretty sure I could not manage it, was mowing our huge back yard of weeds/grass mix and the side as well as what little bit of lawn is in the front…. not a biggy unless you take into account my fibro, arthritis, anemia and the fact that we only own a push mower and the weeds/lawn had not been touched in over two weeks! I wanted to do it for my hubby cause he does so much for me. It took me nearly 4 hours with a few breaks, but I did it. I hurt like heck and it was so very hard to get through it all, but I am very proud of myself and consider it brave that I even thought of doing it!! Just takes gumption… like the story of the lady you told about today!

  8. Are you taunting me with that sign?


  9. My mom used to have a coffee mug that said “Don’t let the turkeys get you down.” That’s been my mantra since I turned fifty.

  10. Beautiful post! I truly believe anything is possible if you believe it. It is so easy for others to be negative. Your friend is so lucky to have you! Lovely tulips and they look wonderful against your sign 🙂

  11. I loved this post Lorraine! I am the type of person that I LOVE when people tell me I can’t do something. It so motivates me to prove them wrong. 🙂

    Happy St. Patricks Day!

  12. That’s a great story! It is important to not always be persuaded by nay-sayers. I will take that one step further too. It’s important not to take advice from people that don’t know what they’re talking about! That happened to me when I was young and trying to figure out what I wanted to do for a living. I mentioned a career and that person said, well you’ll have to do this and that (which were things I didn’t like). I decided not to persue that path. Now, looking back, I now know how wrong that person was! You didn’t have to do this or that. Always, get a second opinion! One person doesn’t have all the answers! I have regret to this day about that decision. Oh well, it’s water under the bridge now. So glad to hear that there are people out there proving their nay-sayers wrong!

  13. That’s a great post. I am so happy to hear about success stories against all odds. Too often I doubt myself and its good to be reminded that if you believe in yourself, you can climb mountains. Lovely tulips and how sweet of you to give them to your friend. I love that sign of yours too!


  14. Inspiring story! We have to do what our hearts tell us we must do. I’m sure sometimes, they don’t work out, but with determination and hard work, usually it does. Good for your friend!


  15. How very sad for someone to do that. I’m so glad she was/is successful! I don’t watch the news due to the sensationalism & negativity. Just don’t want that in my space.

    Your white tulips are gorgeous! One of my favorite flowers. I think it’s wonderful that you bought them for your friend.

    Let’s all be kind to one another!

  16. I am so happy that she didn’t listen to him! We are all on our own journey and it is so important to listen to our heart!

    Have a blessed and totally amazing day!

    PS Your tulips are so pretty!

  17. If many of the wonderful, remarkable and successful people listened to the naysayers…this world would be a very sad place…loved this post Lorraine!..and glad you also got to enjoy the tulips!

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