Spring Sunlight

We are all wondering if Spring is coming at all.
We may not be socked in with snow like some of you are but it has been about 20 degrees cooler than normal here and now we have cold and rain again. It’s snowing and hailing just an hour from here.
On Sunday it was hailing here in Virginia Beach!! Strange season!
There’s a common statement here…”Don’t like the weather? Wait ten minutes…it’ll change.”

I’m so  glad I took some pictures last week! When we all thought Spring WAS coming!

One of my favorite things about seasonal changes is how the light moves around the house. Suddenly, light is streaming in a window from a new direction…changing everything.

It’s a metaphor for life…isn’t it?

We’re walking in one direction and suddenly our direction needs to change a bit.

Looking towards something that seems blocked….although we can get a glimpse of what we long for.

And then, suddenly, like a curtain is drawn back….we see.
We can look through.
Things are different!

Words that were unclear, become clear.

We notice the small things again.

Things seem fresher, ….renewed, …..the old and dusty find a new purpose.

Dark areas become light filled.

We’re in love with the world again.

And hope…

as they say….
Springs eternal……..

Spring IS coming……..
Change IS coming……….

If we can be patient……..

And wait for the sunlight……

For all my friends reeling under yet ANOTHER storm…
I hope this is just a tiny bit encouraging….


  1. Bring on the sunlight! I am ready for spring!!

  2. I am so with you! I am sitting here typing with cold hands just waiting for spring. 🙂

    Love your photographs!


  3. Love the photos! Spring is here in Northern Ca! Tho we are do for some Winter like storms. :/
    I got your blog comment on my blog and it did indeed come through as no reply. I will try resetting my email. Just so very weird.. frustrating.

  4. Hi Lorraine,
    Your post is more then a tiny bit encouraging. Love it and all so true when we just take the time to notice the world around us.
    Springtime arrived here and then went back to a blast of cold again. We have the same saying here in Texas. LOL

    This year has been strange for most of the country for weather. Better days are coming though and thank you for the gentle reminder.

    Thank you for stopping by today. I am way behind in blogland but enjoying catching up now that my family house guests just left.

    Have a special Easter week.

  5. Oh, doesn’t it feel so good?
    Even the dogs are outside lounging in the sunshine.

  6. What a bright and promising post! I see Spring and hope here and an end to the cold winter we have all endured. Great post- xo Diana

  7. Very encouraging post! I’m in need of some of that light in more ways than one. 🙂 Good thoughts to ponder.
    Mary Alice

  8. Well I would be encouraged, but it’s still pretty dang grey here! Thanks for the hope…

  9. Hope the sun shines on you again soon!

    Have a great week xox

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