Down The Rabbit Hole

Even though the title sounds like it connects to my Saturday post (here)…it doesn’t.
I DO feel like Alice when I try to do computer things….which shall remain nameless now
 for fear I will begin to rant and rave should I mention those two dreaded letters! 

Instead I am going to tell you about a wonderful event that took place on Sunday at my church. 
A talented and very dedicated group of children’s workers planned a Mad Hatter Tea Party for grades 1 – 5. 
There was to be a showing of the Disney version of Alice in Wonderland…..
(Johnny Depp being deemed a bit intense for the young set I imagine) 
and prizes for costumes. 
I admit, I wasn’t planning to take my 10 yr old boy 
because I thought it would be girly in general (which it was, but he didn’t mind) 
and he would want a costume if he went.
 I love doing costumes and did them for years for children’s ministry and for Halloween. 
The thought of coming up with a costume in JANUARY however, was initially overwhelming. 
But, when I asked if he wanted to go, he said an immediate “yes”.
 I was sunk. 
Honestly, my desire to give the kids normal family experiences outweighs my good sense at times! 
What to do? 
The Mad Hatter was too much to handle since the party was the next day. 
He couldn’t be Alice….not in THIS house anyway. 
The White Rabbit was equally too much.
 A teapot?…too much. 
A pocket watch?…too much.
 Aha! Middle of the night inspiration! 

The Rabbit hole……

He loved it! A length of brown fabric found in my fabric stash, a large embroidery hoop I had found at the thrift, 
green construction paper and hot glue! 
1/2 hour after church and we were done!

I can’t tell you what I was expecting at the party but it wasn’t this…
tremendous work and creativity by these folks inspired me immediately to share it with you!
Now, we’ve all seen some of the WOW parties people throw for their OWN kids 
with hours of crafting and decorating put into a few hours of partying….but this is something else. 
A labor of love for OTHER PEOPLE’S kids….purely because they love the Lord and want to express that love
 by making these kids happy and showing them that God’s people know how to have fun too!
Take a look…

drink me……with a curly straw please..

eat this

or this
a chandelier

a simple card garland

there were stations for cookie decorating

hat making

 and family photos

Alice and the Red Queen managed to set aside their differences for the sake of the children
one can only hope it will last……

There were Mad Hatters

I saw the Cheshire Cat

and of course there were  Alices in abundance

prizes were given for costumes

but there was only one Rabbit hole….and he was pretty cute
if I do say so myself…..

here’s a PS for the PicNik addicts (include me)…
all the photos today were edited with FotoFlexer.
 It’s free and pretty easy to figure out. 
This is my first time using it so give it a try and let me know what you think!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Now that’s a post worth reading. I wish more folks would care enough to go over and beyond for kids “just because”. Great party, great rabbit hole.


  3. What a wonderful costume!! I would have never thought of that,brilliant! I wish my children were still young. I’m tucking this post away for future grands. Thanks for sharing all the party details. Kathleen

  4. how simply FABULOUS!!!!!! just over the top WONDERFUL!!!! Brilliant in every way!!!!!!!!! KUDOS to you my friend — this is what children deserve!!!!! applause! hugs…

  5. Thanks to all….it was fun!

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