Thrift Shopping, Stress and A Homework Assignment

Is the title long enough for you? We're going to work our way down so if you were a slacker in school...skip the last one. However, if you were the annoying but highly motivated person who raised their hand and said, "Dear teacher, haven't you forgotten to give a homework assignment?"...then by all means read the end because it's important … [Read more...]

Spring Has Arrived!

I think...possibly....maybe...Spring might actually be here. Yesterday it went up to a whopping 70 degrees for a short while in the afternoon. The weatherman says it might only hover in the 60's all week, but that's much better than 40!   I'm  sure you all had a lovely Easter. We had about 20 here for dinner.   Everyone … [Read more...]

Easter Re-run

I don't do much "Easter" themed decorating.But, last year I re-created a store display I had seen at a cute local shop called Topiaries.It's a bit crazy and over the top but I thought I show it to you again!It's not the kind of thing you can put on a dining table.In fact, it may need a room of it's own.But, nonetheless...I LOVE Nest … [Read more...]

Spring Sunlight

We are all wondering if Spring is coming at all.We may not be socked in with snow like some of you are but it has been about 20 degrees cooler than normal here and now we have cold and rain again. It's snowing and hailing just an hour from here.On Sunday it was hailing here in Virginia Beach!! Strange season!There's a common statement here..."Don't … [Read more...]

Olive The Other People Have Them…Why Not Me?

This has certainly been a stressful couple of weeks!I found out I was hosting Easter so had to remove some of the Christmas decor early and start decorating for Spring!I had to share all my secrets of junk/crap Treasure hoarding aging!And had a near death Heat Transfer experience!Thank goodness I had something to fall back on...other than wine that … [Read more...]


I read a blog on Friday morning that really struck me.It wasn't one of the 2,267 blogs I normally read......or at least follow...I try and keep up...really....but it's almost impossible what with everyone wanting to grab all the audience they can and posting diligently every single day! I dedicate one hour each morning to reading blogs, but it's … [Read more...]


When some friends of mine let me know about a little party they were having I was ALL in... Party Girl that I am However, when I found out the theme was JUNK I was at a loss..... I wasn't even sure I could GO to their little shindig. I decided to make an effort.... after all...they ARE friends... even if I've never....  seen them in person  met … [Read more...]

Christmas is Over?

I love Christmas and I can't seem to let it go for some sick reason...There are things lying around everywhere that never made it to the attic.Suddenly it's March.....what happened?The other day I found that I was going to be hosting Easter instead of going to my daughter's.She's battled pneumonia and is also training for a half-marathon and is … [Read more...]