St Patrick’s Day Table

Since I am having a teen birthday party on Friday the 15th and going to see Jersey Boys on the 16th, I'm not hosting a St Pat's dinner this year. So, I dragged out the table I did for last year. I didn't realize that my dining room was still red then. That's why all the pics are so tightly kept looking like a Christmas table to … [Read more...]

Reading Is FUNdamental

Some of you may remember that saying..... "Reading is FUNdamental" I do. Here's a little history lesson..... Through the turbulent 1960's the inner cities of the US became hot beds of crime, poverty and illiteracy.Some of the now familiar organizations that impact the inner city and the poor.... mostly (not all).... African-American and Hispanic … [Read more...]

Breakfast Area Makeover (part two)

I bought this sign a few months ago.....From Decor Steals....LOVE this site.... It's been leaning against a cabinet waiting for a home.....The other night, I suddenly realized just where it should go.... There's nothing wrong with this me anyway...more English style....I told you about this picture here...But, it's literally looked … [Read more...]

Breakfast Area Makeover (part one)

I have long been a fan of English style decor.I LOVE china plates on a wall....Floral patterns..especially faded....And slipcovered furniture....I drink tea and I knit....Luckily, this style blends well with other styles...French and farmhouse for example...with just a few changes...So, there's no need to throw out everything you own if you want to … [Read more...]

Carving Craving

Have you ever  yearned for..... salivated over..... desired..... CRAVED..... something? (leave Ryan Gosling out of this) Just KNEW...from the top of your ponytail to the bottom of your clogs....that THIS.....this THING....was destined for you? Have you looked at it for days....weeks....months? Tried to convince the crotchety old guy sitting next … [Read more...]


Various projects are going on in the garage....Not newsworthy yet....but it's hard to get myself going just now....As a delaying tactic, I played around with my camera a bit...... The glassy-eyed kid eating Fruity Sparkles barely knew I was there....... I waved my hand near him but he was totally engrossed in another time zone...... The Fruity … [Read more...]

I’m A Shameless Copycat

How did we survive before Pinterest?Or Facebook?Or Tumblr?Or photo editing?Or blogs?Or HGTV?Or...... insert your favorite site beautiful picture, vignette, party, arrangement, design, etc, etc, etc.......after another!It's overwhelming to me....I don't know about you....I tell myself I'm going to sit down and look at … [Read more...]

Farmhouse Table

The workshop is still humming here and so are the paintbrushes! I just finished this sweet farmhouse style table and dropped it off at the shop.... It's an antique maple table which was in really sturdy shape when I found it months ago.It's been languishing in my garage until now. There is probably a "before" pic somewhere but maybe not...I've been … [Read more...]